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How to update an Email Address & Assign as a Unit Owner or Occupant

Estimated reading: 2 minutes 48 views
This guide explains how to update a user’s email address by adding them as a new user and assigning them to a unit in Power Admin.

1. Log In

This section explains how to update a user’s email address and assign them as a unit owner or occupant in Power Admin.

A. Log in to Power Admin

  • Use your username (email address) and the password from the Welcome Activation email.

2. Create a New User with the Updated Email Address:

A. From the main menu, click on Community > User.
B. Click on New User.
C. Fill in the User Info fields: First Name, Last Name, New Email Address, Area Code, and Phone Number.
D. In the Unit Assignment section, select the Unit Number/Home Address from the drop-down menu to assign the user.
E. In the User Profile, select the type: Owner, Tenant, or Resident.

  • If replacing an existing owner/tenant, confirm the prompt to replace them.
  • If assigning a Resident, multiple residents can be assigned to a unit without replacing existing ones.

F. Toggle Is This User the Primary Member of the Assigned Unit? On or Off.

  • If toggled On, a warning will appear about replacing the current voting member.

G. (Optional) Add an Emergency Contact with Name, Last Name, Email, and Phone Number.
H. Toggle Send Account Activation Email On or Off to send the user their activation link.
I. Once all the information is complete, click Save.
J. A confirmation message will appear to indicate the process was successful.


If you have any problems or need additional assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out to our dedicated support team at [email protected].

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How to update an Email Address & Assign as a Unit Owner or Occupant

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