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How to Set Up Service Requests

Estimated reading: 3 minutes 158 views

(Laptop/Computer) Power Admin

The Service Request module in ONR’s Power Admin is designed to help you manage and resolve residents’ requests quickly and effectively. From setting up service categories to submitting requests on behalf of residents, this guide walks you through each step to streamline service management and improve communication.
Main Menu Options

Once logged in to the Power Admin, on the menu to the left, you will see the Service Request Module. If you hover over it, you will see the following options:

  • Service Request

  • Tasks

  • Service Categories

A. Service Categories: A service category is a classification used to organize various types of service requests or tasks within a management system. Each category helps to ensure that requests are assigned to the appropriate team members and handled efficiently. 

  1. Click on the New Service Category icon.

  1. Add a Category Name and a Category Description

  1. In the Service Category Members drop-down menu, select the staff 

  1. members responsible for handling service requests related to this category. These admin or staff members will receive an email notification when a service request is submitted.


  1. Once all information is entered, click Create Category at the bottom right to receive a confirmation message.

  1. After adding the required categories, they will be displayed as a list.

B. Creating a New Service Request from Power Admin: The management team may submit the service request on behalf of the resident if the resident contacts them through other methods, such as email, phone, or in-person, to ensure the request is properly logged and addressed.

  1. Click on the New Service Request icon.

  1. From the Category drop-down menu, select the appropriate service category for the request.

  1. Enter the required information by adding a Title and a Description of the issue.

  2. Click Upload Media to attach a picture of the issue if needed.

  3. From Service Request Location, choose either In-Unit or Common Area:

  • In-Unit: Select the Unit from the drop-down menu, toggle the Permission to Enter Unit option on or off, and add any Entry Instructions.

  • Common Area: In Location, enter the name of the area where the issue is located.

  1. Once all steps are completed, click Publish Service Request to receive a confirmation message.

  1. An email will be sent to the resident, staff, and management team when a service request is first submitted.

  1. Once the process is complete, the service request will appear under the Service Request list.


If you have any problems or need additional assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out to our dedicated support team at [email protected].

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